Every other Thursday, I share a handful of good things I'm loving, reading, watching, listening to or just discovered. AKA the random good stuff we’d talk about over coffee or text if we had one another’s phone number. I'm glad you're here!
This idea has circled for a few months and now feels like the exact right time: a “funnies” edition of Thursday Things.
(One of my saved folders in the Instagram app (side note: you’re using the folders right?!) is named “funnies” and let me tell you, it’s like a built-in day-brightener. Can I be an influencer for five seconds and highly recommend creating your own round-up so you can scroll through for a smile on difficult days? It’s wildly simple but man, it has been a gift several times.)
In the last two weeks (since TT #111 landed in your inbox), I’ve written/published 20,000 words.
That’s the Holy Week series (14k), Thursday Things, a new article for (in)courage, 7 posts on Instagram and Facebook, and 6 posts only on Facebook… but does not include 11 posts on the private All The Things account or words on the 140 Instagram Stories between the two accounts.
A ‘Christian Nonfiction’ tradebook is typically around 50k-55k words so basically this is live footage of yours truly:
My word, you guys. My word. It was a sprint. And—it was a gift. Writing the Holy Week “here, in the week of it all” email series for you was stretching + humbling + challenging + so beautiful.
This particular week of the calendar holds some really, really difficult memories and moments in my own life… so to ask together “Where is Jesus in these days?… to look for goodness in the A Lot and the Too Much, the hosanna and the how can it be, the heartbreak of deep betrayal and deep grief, the hallelujah forever even here in the in between… to share from some of those difficult storylines while weaving in stories from Israel and things I didn’t know about Holy Week until I stood on the soil and learned details that don’t change The Story but ohmyword they show how much better it all is than we can even imagine…
It was, truly, a gift to walk through the Muchness of Holy Week with many of you. There are more extras planned for All The Things subscribers in April, and of course posts (and a giveaway coming!) for both free/paid subscribers too, but right now I’m veryyyyyy ready to catch my breath for a week or seven.
Enter: the funnies.
I hope something below brings a smile to your face today!
The memes.
The videos.
It’s true. I’ve watched this no less than 30 times and it brings actual delight.
Trust me, you aren’t ready.
If you loved (who are we kidding, still love) the Lizzie McGuire movie, this is for you.
This video was my introduction to Kelsi/the Fullmer family—they’ve made me laugh on a weekly basis ever since.
Immediately sent to my brothers. Spot on.
Your turn! Would you share one of your recent good things in the comments? Or a video/meme that made you laugh. :) I always enjoy hearing the songs/books/items/shows/posts (etc) that you’re loving!
A little note of heads up → Another Friday Favorites Instagram Story giveaway is happening tomorrow! I’ve shared her art several times in Thursday Things over the years, so I’m guessing you’ll recognize her. 😊 If you have an IG account, click over to @kaitlyn_bouch tomorrow morning and view the Story!
Oke, last one: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Gb1rnOyLw/?igsh=aXhibWl4dGw1Zno1